…Claire was experiencing angst and dread about graduating high school and going to college and being lonely and loveless… She tried to control her feelings by controlling what she ate…
Dalton Time
Restricting kind of took over. Constant hunger and control made her feel serene, which was almost like serenity. Claire moved more slowly and lost so much weight that Rob would have noticed if Rob paid attention to anyone other than Janet.
A few weeks before Thanksgiving, light headedness became profound pulsing electric flares. When this wasn't occurring she was overloaded with brain fog. Claire couldn't think straight and was so worried she was going faint or have head explode she went to her father. With his doctor face firmly in place he told her they needed to go his office so he could to run a few tests.
Once he verified no one else was in the building her took her into his office.
Claire was confused. "We're not going to an examining room?"
"No. No need. I just wanted some privacy. It's easier this way."
"What's easier?"
"For me to tell you something important. I know what's going on with you. The reason you're experiencing what you're experiencing is because we both belong to a race of extra terrestrials."
Claire said, "Come again?"
"We are Daltons. Not your mother. You mother is just a regular human. She doesn't know. And since your mother is human, that makes you half human. And because you're half human, there was a chance you wouldn't develop Dalton characteristics, what we call talents. But, you're developing them. What you described to me couldn't be anything else."
Claire stared at her father. He wore an old Cornell sweat shirt and plaid green shorts. He wasn't tall and his body was shaped like a pear. His spindly hair was plastered back against his wide skull. Janet had been calling him Doctor Humpty Dumpty Man to his face since around kindergarten. Even though the heat wasn't on, his head and face were moist.
Claire wasn't sure if she should laugh or frown and did both. "Umm. Wait - did you just say we were aliens? Like from outer space? Why are you messing with me like this?"
Her father cleared his throat. "The talents are mostly telepathic capabilities. Daltons exchange intimate sensory data with each other. What you're experiencing are the pathways opening up. I felt the same thing when I was around your age."
He wasn't using his doctor face. From the tone of his voice she knew he wasn't kidding.
Claire said, "I'm just trying to... What you're telling me..."
He interlaced his pudgy fingers over his tummy. "Daltons can't share about being a Dalton with non Daltons. Listen, if I tried to share with a non Dalton I literally wouldn't be able to get the words out. Put a bunch of marbles in your mouth - it's like that. If someone was eavesdropping on us right now, it would just sound like we're goofing around, talking crazy."
Claire felt herself coming undone. "We are talking crazy. I think I've gone crazy - I've gone completely out of my fucking mind." Her brain shivered and pulsed. "I think... I don't think I can handle this. I think I need to lie down. I mean, is this part of why I, with my body?"
It was as though she'd slapped him. He snorted. "No. Dalton's don't have deformities. That's from your mother."
…More Dalton encounters…